Scientific Committee
The FIP-IFP scientific committee promotes the scientific basis of podiatric care as part of the objectives of FIP-IFP. The committee works to ensure that any person accessing podiatric services provided by FIP-IFP members can be sure that they are accessing evidence-based care. The committee promotes this by producing documents and policies in collaboration with the FIP-IFP board to support podiatrists. In addition, we support and promote research projects in podiatry. We co-ordinate conferences and education hosted by FIP-IFP by reviewing and checking the scientific rigor of the content. The members of the committee are active in promoting both FIP-IFP and podiatry at international meetings both within FIP-IFP and with external stakeholders. The current committee is made up of members from around the world with experience at all levels of podiatric practice.​
Message from Scientific Committee Chairperson
Ms Pauline Wilson
Chairperson Scientific Committee