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European Council of Podiatrists



The European Council of Podiatrists is a committee of the International Federation of Podiatrists and is responsible for promoting the interests and general awareness of the podiatry profession to the European Commission, Parliament, and Council.


Podiatric education at all levels has taken a gigantic step forward in the right direction. As the ECP we hope to provide a forum to discuss issues and establish policies relating to proposals and EU directives that may affect the education and practice of European podiatrists. The role of the ECP board is to bring podiatry issues to the fore and increase awareness of the need to make core podiatry services available Europe-wide. European harmonization of podiatric education, practices, and competencies is the major objective of the ECP in the coming months and I trust that together we will achieve this goal.


I am extremely grateful for the opportunity of being appointed as the ECP chairperson and together with my colleague board members we are committed to representing the podiatry profession in the best way possible across Europe.


Message from ECP Chairperson

Cyhntia Formosa_edited.jpg

Professor Cynthia Formosa

Chairperson ECP

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