Articles Of Association
The Articles of Association are the legal document that serves as the constitution of the federation. It is comprised of rules and regulations that govern the organisation’s internal affairs.
In my role as chair of AAC, I will coordinate the activities of the Articles of Association committee to ensure that our regulations and governance meet the needs of FIP and its members.
Each year we consider areas that may need further explanation or clarification and discuss the underlying issues amongst the committee members. After taking legal advice, if necessary, the committee will propose updates or amendments to the AGM delegates. Each change is voted and needs to be accepted at an extraordinary general meeting by two-thirds of delegates to be accepted.
As agreed by the AGM in 2021, we are planning a comprehensive review of the Articles of Association by our AGM in 2022. See project charter document.
Our Secretary-General, Dr.James Hill will be the manager of this project and we will seek external consultants and legal advice to complete this comprehensive update.​
Message from AAC Chairperson
Ms Heidi Corcoran
Chairperson AAC